Arrival with the car
You will be amazed how easy it is to get to Liechtenstein by car.
· from St. Gallen via the A13 motorway (approximately 45 minutes)
· from Zürichvia the A3 motoway as far as Sargans, then along the A13 (approximately 1 hour)
· from München via the A96 motorway, then on the A14 in Austria (approximately 3 hours)
· from Innsbruck via the A12, S16 and then A14 (approximately 2.5 hours)
A road tax card ('Vignette') is needed to travel on motorways in Austria and Switzerland. There are no customs controls between Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
There are two possibilities arriving from motorway exit:
Exit Vaduz; follow the sign Triesen/Balzers. After leaving the village Triesen follow the road (speed 80 km/h). As soon as the speed change to 60 km/h turn left and follow the street to the campsite. The ride last about 15 minutes.
Exit Trübbach/Balzers; follow the sign Balzers, cross the river Rhein and follow the sign Balzers. After leaving the village Balzers you get on the road (80 km/h). As soon as the speed change to 60km/h turn right and follow the street to the campsite. The ride takes about 10 minutes.
Arriving by train and bus
A network of international rail connections make it easy to travel to Liechtensten by train. Rail passengers should travel to Sargans, Buchs (Switzerland) or Feldkirch (Austria), where they can take one of the regular buses (LIEmobil) to the region of Liechtenstein they are staying in. The nearest bus stop is alled Triesen Säga. From the bus stop walk along the signs. It takes 9 minutes to reach the reception.
Railway Siwtzerland:
Railway Austria:
Public bus Liechtenstein: